Jumat, 06 Januari 2012

English Lesson 1


1.    MODAL
Modal auxiliary verbs are used to moderate the main verb, that is to enhance or restrict the verb to a certain context.
The most common modal auxiliaries in English are:can
 Could                 May       
 Should                Might         
 Will                     Must                 
Notice the usage of modals in the following sentences:
Express ability  : Can
Ex : I can buy new bike

Express  possibility : May, Might
Ex : maybe I will come to your home, tonight

Expresses future intent : Will
Ex : I will go to campuss at 08.00 am

Expresses mild obligation : Should
Ex : I should arrived to her birthday party last night

Expresses reservation : Would
Ex : I would defeat you with my hand

Expresses strong obligation : Must
Ex : I must getting her love

Modals are followed by only the base form of the verb and are not used alone unless there is a clear connection to a main verb.·         He must to finish his homework.
·         He must finish her job                              WRONG
·         Kratos could heard the rock music          RIGHT
·         Kratos could hear the rock music             WRONG
·         Zeus will going to the Kenjeran.              RIGHT
·         Zeus will go to the Kenjeran.                   WRONG                
Modal Forms
Modal verbs can be used in a variety of different forms. Study the examples below.
Modal Simple
 I could swim at the deep pool
Modal Continuous
 I could be swimming at the deep pool right now.
Modal Perfect
 I could have swum at the deep pool, yesterday.
Modal Perfect Continuous
 I could have been swimming at the deep pool instead of lost in the jungle 
Passive Modal Simple
 The chamber should be cleaned twice a week.
Passive Modal Continuous
 The chamber should be being cleaned now.
Passive Modal Perfect
 The chamber should have been cleaned yesterday.
Passive Modal Perfect Continuous
 The chamber should have been being cleaned but nobody was there. (Rare form)

simple sentence is independent clause ( 1S + 1V)
ex : Some people like to run in the mornings for keep their health

Compound sentence is contains two independent clauses joined by a coordinator.
coordinators  : for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.
Ex :          I tried to speak Spanish, and my friend tried to speak English.
                 Leonardo went fishing, so Maria played volleyball.
                 Leonardo went football, for Maria played volleyball.

A complex sentence has an independent clause joined by one or more dependent clauses
Coordinator :  because, since, after, although, or when
A.When he went to his girlfriend house, he forgot to buy the flower for her.
B. The warrior returned the peace after trought many war .
C. The students are studying because they have a final test tomorrow.
D. After they finished the dinner, Juan and Maria went to the movies.
E. Juan and Maria went to the movies after they finished their exam. 

Ex :  (both, and)
        (either, or)
        (neither, nor)
        (not only, but also)

(both, and)
Both the shoes and the pants were good. 
I liked both the shoes and the pants.

(either, or)
Either the shoes or the pants was good.
I didn't like either the shoes or the pants. They were both bad.

(neither, nor)
The actors tried neither to use shoes nor to use pants.
The actors use neither the shoes nor the pants.

(not only, but also)
Not only the shoes but also the pants was good
I liked not only the shoes but also the pants.

§  for: presents a reason
Ex : He is gambling with his life, he try to help his friend from the badman.
§  and: presents non-contrasting item(s) or idea(s)
ex : He gamble, and he help his friend.
§  nor: presents a non-contrasting negative idea
ex : He do not gamble, nor do he help his friend.
§  but: presents a contrast or exception
ex : He gamble, but he don't help his friend.
§  or: presents an alternative item or idea
ex : Every day, He gamble or he help his friend.
§  yet: presents a contrast or exception
ex : He gamble, yet he don't help his friend.
§  so: presents a consequence
ex : He gambled well last night, so he drunk a wine to celebrate.

adjective clause is a dependent clause that modifies a noun.  It is possible to combine the following two sentences to form one sentence containing an adjective clause:             
subdinator clause : which, whom, who, whose, that
ex :      The children are going to visit the museum.
 They are on the bus.
The children who are on the bus are going to visit the museum.
                   | adjective clause |
Ex :      The building is very old.
                 My grandparents were married there.
The building where my grandparents were married is very old.
The building in which my grandparents were married is very old.
The building which my grandparents were married in is very old.
 The building that my grandparents were married in is very old.
 The building my grandparents were married in is very old.

A noun clause is an entire clause which takes the place of a noun in another clause or phrase. Like a noun, a noun clause acts as thesubject or object of a verb or the object of a preposition, answering the questions "who(m)?" or "what?".

Ex : noun
I know English.
noun clause
I know that English is still spoken as a International language.
Ex :noun
Their destination is unknown.
noun clause
Where they are going is unknown.

Ex :   about what you bought at the mall
         Whoever broke the vase will have to pay for it.
         The Milan fans hope that Bruno Mars will come to their city

An adverb clause is a dependent clause which takes the place of an adverb in another clause or phrase. An adverb clause answers questions such as "when?", "where?", "why?", "with what goal/result?", and "under what conditions?".

Hamlet wanted to kill his uncle because the uncle had murdered Hamlet's father.
The adverb clause answers the question "why?".

Hamlet wanted to kill his uncle so that his father's murder would be avenged.
The adverb clause answers the question "with what goal/result?".
After Hamlet's uncle Claudius married Hamlet's mother,
Hamlet wanted to kill him.

Where the whole Danish court was assembled, Hamlet ordered a play in an attempt to prove his uncle's guilt.
The adverb clause answers the question "where?".

If the British co-operate, the Europeans may achieve monetary union.

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